Ranorex – test automation tool

Ranorex is a popular UI test automation framework with open architecture. The core functionality is an API which is built on the Dot Net framework. This framework tests many different application types including Web 2.0, WPF, Flash/Flex, Silverlight, Qt, .NET and Java. It is one of the most versatile tools of its kind since it covers a wide variety of operating systems and programming environment platforms(C#, VB.NET, IronPython). In Windows it runs on number of browser environments such as Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Ranorex provides accurate recognition and unique identification of UI elements.  Object identification can be done using XPATH (QTP 11 also has this feature)

Ranorex spy:

Ranorex spy is a standalone tool used for identifying elements in the AUT (Application Under Test). It identifies all the elements by their DOM structure. Depending on the type of the selected element, Ranorex Spy provides all available information in the info tabs i.e. ‘Overview’, ‘Detail’ and ‘Screenshot’

Ranorex Recorder:

Ranorex Recorder is the best tool to record and playback user actions, It can generate scripts in different languages provides powerful editing and customizing capabilities. In addition the Recorder can validate current states, properties like ‘Text’ or ‘Visibility’ and images of UI elements.

Ranorex Object Repository:

Ranorex Object Repository is used for maintenance of UI elements. Properties of the UI elements can also be changed without any change in the code.

Ranorex studio:

Ranorex studio provides common IDE features like syntax highlighting, code completion, debugger, watch monitor etc. It brings all of the Ranorex tools together by integrating Ranorex Spy, Ranorex Recorder, Ranorex Object Repository and a powerful Ranorex Library in one professional environment. Ranorex Studio supports test implementation with C#, VB.NET and IronPython. Regardless which language you use, the integrated Ranorex Recorder and Ranorex Object Repository tools automatically generate the right source code for your selected language.

If you need more information, go through: Ranorex